Flooding Predictions
This video shows 2019 flooding in Hamburg, Iowa, and discusses the likelihood and effects of additional flooding in 2020.
Hamburg, IA
Driving Question
- Why do some parts of Iowa flood so often?
Probing Questions
- How does flooding impact people?
- Has the frequency of floods changed over time?
Classroom Suggestions
Students could:
- Research the history of flooding along the Missouri River (or another more local river) and its economic, environmental and societal impacts.
- Construct explanations of why people originally settled along rivers in Iowa and how people have responded to flooding with movement and technical solutions.
- Analyze and identify patterns between data about changes in Iowa’s climate and flooding events.
- Model connections between changes in climate, flooding and the effects on and responses by people.
- University of Iowa | Iowa Flood Center: Includes a wide range of information and data about flooding in Iowa, and monitoring and mitigation efforts.
- University of Iowa | Iowa Flood Center: Flood Maps: Provides map of flood risk for different parts of Iowa.
- CNN | After the Flood: National article that gives more information about Hamburg’s flooding issues, interspersed with discussion of the caucus.
- Iowa PBS | Flooding Across Iowa - 2008 Floods: Video showing clips and facts from the 2008 flooding across Iowa.
- Iowa State University Extension: Flooding: Extension resources on preparation for and recovery from flooding.
- Indiana University Environmental Resilience Institute | Climate Implications - Storms and Flooding: Short article on how flooding might become more common in some areas due to climate change.
Iowa Core Alignment
HS-ESS3-1:Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity
Credit Info
Media produced for Market to Market by Iowa PBS.
Submitted by Dan Voss and Madison Beeler as part of their Iowa STEM Teacher Externship experience at Iowa PBS.