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Physics of Snowshoes

This is a demonstration of snowshoes for walking on top of deep snow as compared to walking on the same snow with normal shoes. Snowshoes were engineered to provide a solution to walking in deep snow. 

Iowa City, Iowa

Driving Question

  • Are all snowshoes designed the same? Are there different kinds? Why?

Probing Questions

  • Can you design a shoe that would allow you to walk on water?
  • Why does a foot sink in the snow without a snowshoe, but stay on top when a snowshoe is worn?
  • Can you think of other devices which work in a similar manner?
  • If you were to walk out onto thin ice, would you be safer to walk or crawl?

Classroom Suggestions

Students could:

  • Design a shoe to walk on different surfaces (ice, sand, water, etc).
  • Improve the existing snowshoe design.
  • Do a gallery walk of design ideas and have students comment on each proposed design. 


Iowa Core Alignment


Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.

Credit Info

Submitted by Jennifer Bliss

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