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Aquatic Plants Live in Owbows

Naturalist Heidi Anderson discusses the many types of plant life including buttonbush and duckweed surrounding the oxbows of Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt.

Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt - Maxwell, IA

Driving Question

  • What do plants need to grow?

Probing Questions

  • How do water and air help plants grow?
  • What might happen if air or water were removed from a plant?

Classroom Suggestions

Students could:

  • Brainstorm what they think plants need to survive before showing the phenomenon.
  • Compare and contrast the various plants shown at Chichaqua Bottoms.
  • Make observations about the plants around their home and infer what those plants need to survive.
  • Conduct an experiment of growing plants while changing the amounts of water and soil.
  • Investigate growing plants in a hydroponic garden system.
  • Create an argument using evidence to show that plants can grow using mostly water and air.


Iowa Core Alignment


Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water

Credit Info

Media produced by Iowa PBS.

Submitted by Dan Voss and Madison Beeler as part of their Iowa STEM Teacher Externship experience at Iowa PBS.

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