Animal Camouflage
A coyote spotted south of Cherokee, Iowa, during the month of November. You can see that the coyote is camouflaged by its surroundings.
Cherokee, Iowa
Driving Question
How do you think camouflage helps animals (like coyotes) survive?
Probing Questions
- In the photo, how would you say that the coyote camouflaged?
- How do you think camouflage helps the coyote survive against predators?
- How do humans mimic animals using camouflage?
Classroom Suggestions
Students could:
- Draw a picture of another animal that uses camouflage to survive.
- Explain the different ways that humans mimic animal camouflage.
- Design a way to camouflage themselves based on the models seen in nature.
- PBS LearningMedia | WyomingPBS Education Collection | Camouflage: Students will learn the ways in which animals protect themselves from predators, with the emphasis on camouflage and an adaptation to avoid being detected.
- PBS LearningMedia | Camouflage Explained: Wander & Wonder | Young Explorers: Why do owls have brown and white feathers? Why are frogs green? Join Abby Brown and her friend as they create paper creatures to learn all about camouflage!
Iowa Core Alignment
1-LS1-1:Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs
Credit Info
Phenomena submitted by Lexi Wiltgen.
Photo by Landen Kneip.