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Starting on May 1, 2019, the video goes through the different stages of soybean growth through harvest 2019.

Driving Question

How does a plant use water and the sun to grow?

Probing Questions

  • How does the sun’s energy move water from the ground back to the atmosphere? 
  • How do weather conditions impact plant growth and the movement of water? 
  • How can you use a plant’s life cycle to model the movement of water? 
  • How does energy transfer from the sun to the plant impact the motion of water?

Classroom Suggestions

Students could:

  • Graph the sun conditions and relative humidity with dates and compare to the dates of corn growth stages.
  • Observe the stomata of plants and discuss their role in the water cycle in different weather conditions.


Iowa Core Alignment

Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity

Credit Info

Submitted by Josie Libby.

REAPCorporation for Public BroadcastingAlliant EnergyMusco Lighting Pella