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Firat Erdam's Kite Choir

This video features an artist that created a special kind of kite to make sound.

Lake Macbride State Park, Solon, IA

Possible Guiding, Compelling and/or Anchoring Questions

  • How can the kites make sound?
  • What does turning the handle do?

Classroom Suggestions

Students could:

  • Design and build homemade percussion, string and/or wind instruments.
  • Experiment with tuning forks in water or paint on a speaker to show how sound waves involve the transfer of energy.
  • Explain how homemade or professional instruments make sound and apply those explanations to the kites.
  • Investigate energy transfer in other situations (collisions, light travel, electric currents, heat) and compare and contrast with the transfer of sound energy.
  • Act out or draw models of how energy is transferred between objects, or converted between forms in a simple situation like a collision or basic appliance or electronic device.

Related Resources

PBS LearningMedia: Sound Vibrations: Grade-appropriate lesson on sound, including instructions on how to build several homemade instruments.
SciShow Kids: What is sound?: Student-friendly video that shows excellent visuals of particles vibrating when sound is produced.
PBS LearningMedia: Cyberchase | Cooking with the Sun Activity: Video from the program Cyberchase and associated activity show students how energy can be transferred from the sun to power devices on Earth.
Hevesh5: Rube Goldberg - The Trash Machine: Rube Goldberg machine that demonstrates energy transfer in collisions.

Iowa Core Alignment


Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents

Credit Info

Media produced for Iowa Outdoors by Iowa PBS.
Submitted by Dan Voss and Madison Beeler as part of their Iowa STEM Teacher Externship experience at Iowa PBS.

REAPCorporation for Public BroadcastingAlliant EnergyMusco Lighting Pella