Golden Brown Corn Stalks
The corn appears to be ready for picking due to the amount of water and sun it has received. A closer look shows golden brown corn stalks and leaves. The yellow corn kernels, and the dry brittle texture of the stalks indicate they are ready to be harvested. Maybe some wild animals have been grazing on them too.
Bondurant, Iowa
Driving Question
Is the corn ready to be picked because of the sun it has received?
Probing Questions
- How did the sun affect the corn and cornstalks?
- Did the corn get too much or too little sun?
- Should the corn be picked and why?
Classroom Suggestions
Students could:
- Create a class list of ways we feel the effects of the sun.
- Create a model of corn stalk ready to be harvested.
- Garden Tabs | Does Corn Need Full Sun to Grow? Does corn need full sun to grow?
- PBS LearningMedia | Bringing the Universe to America's Classrooms: Earth and Space Science: The Sun Warms Earth: Observe how sunlight warms materials on Earth’s surface in this real-life time-lapse video.
- PBS LearnngMedia | 60 Second Science:Sun-Baked Bricks: Activity instructions to make bricks out of molds of paper cartons, soil and ice-cube trays and bake them using the heat of the sun.
Iowa Core Alignment
K-PS3-1:Make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface
Credit Info
Submitted by Arielle Sexton.