Invasive Exotic Bush Honeysuckles
Exotic bush honeysuckles are native to Eurasia (Japan, China, Korea, Manchuria, Turkey, and southern Russia). They were introduced to the United States to use as ornamentals, for wildlife cover, and for soil erosion control. Exotic bush honeysuckles are perennial deciduous shrubs found growing in dense sprawling thickets and out-compete native plants for soil moisture, light, and nutrients. They prefer sunny sites such as forest edges, pastures, roadsides, and open woodlands.
Prairie Creek Recreation Area, Maquoketa; July 3, 2023
Driving Question
- What characteristics do invasive plant species need to survive?
Probing Questions
- What is the definition of “invasive”?
- Why are invasive plant species considered a threat?
- Which plant species do you think are considered invasive?
Classroom Suggestions
Students could:
- Identify invasive plant species in Iowa.
- Compare and contrast the invasive plant species. List similarities and differences between type of growth, location, behavior, reproduction, etc.
- Determine how invasive plant species are removed and evaluate which methods are most and least effective.
- Visit a local county park or recreation area and identify invasive plant species.
- Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation | 5 of Iowa's Most Invasive Species (and How to Get Rid of Them) : This source by the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation lists 5 of Iowa’s most invasive plant species by their identification, threat, and removal.
- Iowa DNR | Invasive Plants" This source by the Iowa DNR provides a pocket guide of 19 invasive trees, shrubs, and plants in the state of Iowa. Each PDF provides ID photos and text.
- Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Agriculture and Natural Resources | Honeysuckle Invasive Species: This video by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Agriculture and Natural Resources provides information about honeysuckle invasive species.
Iowa Core Alignment
4-LS1-1:Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction
Credit Info
Submitted by Amanda Fowler as part of the Iowa STEM Teacher Externship program.
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