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Prairie Plants and the Carbon Cycle

Roots of prairie plants are developed through centuries of growth. These deep roots will take the carbon out of the air add nutrients to the soil when they die, contributing to rich soil.

Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge, Prairie City, Iowa

Driving Question

  • Why are prairies important?

Probing Questions

  • How is carbon cycled in a prairie?
  • Why is the carbon cycle important? 

Classroom Suggestions

Students could:

  • Research and identify the concentrations of carbon in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. 
  • Develop a model (physical or drawing) that shows the cycling of carbon in different ecosystems. 
  • Use a model to argue that matter is conserved as carbon cycles through the Earth’s systems. 
  • Debate the effectiveness of using models to explain the carbon cycle. 


Iowa Core Alignment


Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere

Credit Info

Media produced for Iowa Land and Sky by Iowa PBS.

Submitted by Chantel Karns and Olivia Tebben as part of their Iowa STEM Teacher Externship experience at Iowa PBS.

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