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A spring thunderstorm in Iowa caused by extremes in weather fronts due to warm and cold air in early spring.

Iowa City, Iowa

Possible Guiding, Compelling and/or Anchoring Questions

  • What time of year do thunderstorms happen the most?
  • Is it warm or cold when thunderstorms happen?
  • What does it feel like before a thunderstorm and what does it feel like after?

Classroom Suggestions

  • Student’s reflections about storms and when they happen most often should lead to some consensus that the majority of thunderstorms happen in the spring. 
  • A study of average temperatures throughout the year for different areas of the United States could lead to some understanding of the temperature changes necessary to cause storms. 
  • Data about weather can be collected and tabulated from student observations or weather websites. Comparisons of storms in the Midwest to other areas--such as Utah--can also be done.

Related Resources

Iowa Core Alignment


Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season

Credit Info

Submitted by Jennifer Bliss

REAPCorporation for Public BroadcastingAlliant EnergyMusco Lighting Pella