Winter Storm Preparation
Iowans are not strangers to severe winter weather, as seen in the photo after a winter ice storm. Weather forecasting can help keep us safe during those events through preparation and safe responses to severe winter weather.
Roland, Iowa
Driving Question
- How can we prepare for blizzards and snowstorms?
Probing Questions
- The photo was taken after an ice storm. What do you notice in the photo?
- What do you think is the difference between regular weather and severe weather?
- How might you prepare for severe weather at home and school?
- What are things you could do to stay safe during a winter weather such as an ice storm, blizzard or winter snow storm?
Classroom Suggestions
Students could:
- Create a list of what happens before, during and after a blizzard. Students can draw pictures of what it might look like outside.
- Discuss how we prepare for severe weather at school (ex. tornado drills, blizzards) and talk about the importance of a plan.
- Have a staff member at your school explain how they get the school, playground, and parking lot ready for a blizzard or snowstorm.
- Have a meteorologist visit and discuss how they help people prepare and what students should know to be ready in case of a weather emergency like a blizzard.
- Create a blizzard plan or kit for at home by brainstorming different item they would need in a kit and different jobs family members might need to do before, during or after a snowstorm.
- Generation Genius | Introduction to Weather: Video and lesson materials to build background knowledge.
- Mystery Science | How Can You Get Ready for a Storm?: A kindergarten level activity to help kids think about how to know how to get ready for a storm.
Iowa Core Alignment
K-ESS3-2:Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather
Credit Info
Phenomena submitted by Paige Petzenhauser.
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