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Welcome to the Iowa Science Phenomena website! The goal of this website and service is to create, curate, collect and share a growing collection of user-generated, media-based, standards aligned, science phenomena resources for use in Iowa classrooms, as well as support Iowa teachers as they continue to implement phenomena-based and place-based teaching practices.

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Frog Call Monitoring

Volunteers around Iowa collect frog call data from a variety of species.

Firat Erdam's Kite Choir

This video features an artist that created a special kind of kite to...

Backbone State Park Limestone

This video shows the extensive exposed limestone features at Backbone...

Iowa Bee Colonies

The provided graphs show how Iowa’s bee colony population has been...

Anatomical Comparison: Femur

Femur bones of different species have different lengths.

Albino Squirrels

These images show an albino squirrel on the trunk of a tree.

Bird Genders

This slideshow provides several examples of Iowa bird species with...

Prescribed Burning

The image shows a prairie area being intentionally burned. These well...


Iowa has a lot of nonpoint source pollution that contributes to...

Shells with Holes

These mussel shells that were found with holes punched in them.

Owl Pellets Reveal Unique Eating Processes and Behaviors

Shown is an owl pellet, which when broken apart, will reveal types of creatures eaten by the owl.

Paha Land Formations

Some say that Iowa has an uninteresting landscape. Those people have...

REAPCorporation for Public BroadcastingAlliant EnergyMusco Lighting Pella